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Gathering as GCs


John 15:1-17

We’re going to read through John 15:1-17 slowly three times, pausing after each one to answer reflection questions together and finishing with a brief time of responsive prayer.

Round 1: Slowly Read John 15:1-17
What word or phrase stood out to you as you listened to the words of Jesus?

Round 2: Slowly Read John 15:1-17
What does this passage reveal about God’s character, and how does that affect you?
What Response might Jesus be calling you to?

Round 3: Slowly Read John 15:1-17
How can you respond to the invitation or challenge of Jesus in your life in light of his words?

Please take time to pray back to God your response to the words of Jesus
(A one-sentence response to Jesus’ words could work well for this. )

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