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Liminal* is a community hosted by Seven Mile Road Church where we read novels and watch movies that raise the same questions and feelings we experience in liminal events: What is my purpose? What is our shared meaning? Where do we find transcendence, wisdom, love? How do we deal with life and death?


The art we choose will help us explore the space between our mundane rhythms and the deep, profound meaning of our lives that we often leave unexplored.

If you like discussing what you read and watch and want to join our community, subscribe to our newsletter below! For every piece of media, we plan to create helpful content to aid our reading and discussion - so make sure to subscribe! 

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Liminal is a term used to describe the space or state between two places or boundaries. Liminal spaces are meant to be passed through, over, inside to get from one location to another. A bridge is a liminal space. An elevator or stairs are liminal space. From one side of the river to the other, from one floor to another. 


When you're on the bridge or in the elevator or taking the stairs, you're in liminal space - between two places, in transition. The interesting thing about liminality is how uncomfortable we become when we remain for long periods of time outside of our normal rhythms passing through them. As humans, we often have liminal spaces created by events like job loss, death of a loved one,  and moving to a new city. The COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a liminal space for almost the entire world, driving us out of our normal rhythms of our lives of commute, school, work, worship, and community.


Because of the ambiguity and unease in liminal spaces, these events can also be places of deep self-awareness, confrontation, and transformation. Liminality in our lives raises the deeper, submerged questions - about our purpose, the meaning of life itself and our place in it - and forces them to the forefront of our minds. If we are willing, these liminal spaces can become places of immense value.

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